Mauri Ora
A specialist cultural needs assessments and community support
Day activity programme
To provide kaumatua kuia with therapeutic activities that strengthen their total well being.
Elder Abuse and neglect prevention service
To provide safe and caring environment for Kaumata Kuia and whanau


Kia Mau Ki nga Taonga Tuku Iho
Oranga Kaumatua
Oranga Kuia
Mauri Ora

We are a unique Kaupapa Maori organisation within the South Auckland districts providing health and disability services to older people 65 years and over. We have been providing these health and disability services for over 20 years and have established good relationships with whanau, hapu. Iwi.

Te Oranga Kaumatua Kuia Disability Support Services Trust was born from the needs of Kaumatua Kuia who wanted more culturally appropriate services sensitive to their needs.

Our relationship with Age Concern Auckland began in 1997 and at that time our Kaiwhakahaere Keita Dawson, had been employed as a Social Worker to undergo a research project that would determine Elder Abuse and Neglect within Maori Communities. Keita, found she had to firstly establish good working relationships with 37 Marae across the country who would then support and enable the research project to be delivered to whanau on the Marae.

Successfully the research was completed and Keita found from her data analysis that 95% of those affected by Elder Abuse and Neglect within Maori Communities also suffered from some form of dementia. The data also found that whanau had limited access to health services especially within rural areas. It was also identified that there was a lack of information or resources that would support whanau in the proper care of the Older Person Kaumatua Kuia.

As a result of the research completed in 1999 Keita Dawson found the need to develop a culturally appropriate service sensitive to the needs of Maori and was supported by Age Concern Auckland to develop her own service that would meet the needs of those suffering from Elder Abuse and Neglect significantly within Maori Communities.

Te Oranga Kaumatua Kuia Disability Support Services Trust was then established in 2000.

Kia kaua te tahi atu tangata e whakahawini whakaiti whakararu e tukino ranei i tou mana tangata i nga wa katoa

Kaumatua, kuia, whanau, hapu and iwi will manaaki the journey ahead

  • TOKKDSS Trust specifically seeks to provide support services to Kaumatua kuia and their whanau affected by high complex needs and disabilities.
  • While this service is client-centred, it is also aimed at linking whanau to the appropriate services that would support and strengthen their ability to become more independent and confident when planning their journey of well-ness for the Older Person and their whanau.
  • TOKKDSS Trust aim to promote the quality of life for Kaumatua Kuia and whanau by enabling community networks to participate in the development of their care plan.
  • TOKKDSS Trust shall provide a holistic model of approach (Te Whare Tapa Wha). The assessment tool will capture the overall needs of Kaumatua Kuia and their whanau and work towards enhancing and strengthening their total well-being.
Te Oranga Kaumatua Kuia Disability Support Services Trust